No Worries

No Worries, Blossom !
I got my jeans torn,
and my rock-n-rolla music on.

Just like the beat, you had,
I groove to the drums,
and shake my head 
till it hurts too bad.

I chill with the thrill
That someday we will
Dine on the same board,
Or do I cream the dream wrong?

Since I don't have u along.

I am jumping off, 
these burning rings.
Once in a while-
In this circus of Life.
-Where I perform
and I, together, Smile.

Look how i cherished 
Look how I grew !
And how I stitched myself,
into somebody new.
That somebody, 
you never knew.

No Worries, Blossom !
I got my jeans torn,
and my rock-n-rolla music on.