Variables of the same equation

As I Wander;
the differences in -
"where we are and,
where we could have been?"

It bespoke- a sad reality -
that I - was a variable - "x"
and being "y" was your part.

No Matter, How far we go
and how many seasons-
we spend- in seclusion.
My dear,
We equate each other,
right from the very start.
So was my conclusion-
we were and are,
variables of the same equation.


Colors never spoke !

Red Never said-
"Hey there,
how you doing?
I am Red."

Orange never;
had a clue- till date,
whether fruit came earlier
or, it's name,
and for naming the color- white !
Who is to blame?

What if,
White was red
and red was green?
I wonder - how would
the situation be-
if we had simply
ex.changed their names,
and it's decree !!!


Ropes of Hopes
i pull-
now and then.
My dear Friend !!

you will wave me

From that coffee Shop


Ain't no difference in it !!
whether you-
miss me. 
Or, hustle these days-
for a different heat.

Ain't no different in it !!
whether you-
miss my voice. 
Or, you claim to have- 
-made a better choice.

this ain't fair ! 
when you say-"why should i keep, 
you in my prayer?"
how pity i look- that - 
All my attempts go despair
in your immune atmosphere.